Ok, so it looks like there's been some confusion about my math. That picture I have over my previous post about my class
is not my work. Haha, I would be pumped if I could do something like that. But I can't, so I thought I would set the record straight. This
is my some pictures of my work.

Ok, now my conscience is at rest ;D
“Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.”
“Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to”
Hehe. Well, that's better than I could do... :)
exact same stuff I had to do. Geometry was interesting in parts, but I didn't like it very much on the whole. :)
JT: Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Those pictures (proofs) weren't that bad. I actually enjoyed doing some of those. But the rest of geometry (shapes, arcs, conic sections) I didn't care for (to put it lightly).
Eldwaren: I pretty much thought these proofs out ahead of time. I knew I was going to upload the pipc of em, so I did those two proofs in about a half hour (which is a little long). I didn't do 'em off the top of my head, so I was just copying stuff. But I did do those problems originally. xD
P.S. Thanks for all the comments!
Oh gosh, I start geometry in Jaunary *shivers* Now i'm scared. LOL
How's it goin' with your braces? Mine are coming off in the spring a year and a half early. So I completely feel your excitment. :)
My braces are all off fine, so that's good. I am wearing my retainer now and have to do that for a minimum of a year...so.
Thanks for the comment!
Wow, do I feel dumber than ever!
That is with out a doubt better than I could do in a trillion years. :)
One day I was so tired I couldn't remember what 7 + 3 was. :P
Well, I do get that a lot. I'm in advanced math, so it's something I get used to. I mean, after you've been through that class, you can do those problems no problem....lol
Thanks for the comment!
hey josh,
idk if u remember me, chloe from coop, well i just wanted to say hiya and stuff :P
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