Hey, everybody! I just found this website that had some Fail photos, so I'd like to post some!


You'd think so, wouldn't ya? Bell-shaped...who knew?

Now that's what I call pointless advertising!

How's Jim-Bob gonna get that preserver off that post?

..............how did
that get there?

I can imagine a road worker coming into his manager's office and saying "Sir...we put the wheel on the wrong way!"

Shallow water??

World of Warcraft noob! JK

...that's probably better than an alarm!
Part II "Funny Signs"


Got accidents?

*cough cough*paradox*cough cough*

Positive reinforcement?

If you look closely, the edges are actually rounded... :P FAIL!
That's it!
“Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.”
“Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to”
those were pretty good! lol
Hilarious! Okay, 1, 2, 7, and the last are my absolute favs! =D
*laughs* Awesome. :D
Ha, nice, some of those are pretty funny. ;)
LOLS! Those are hilarious!
You've been tagged on Carpe Diem! :)
P.S. My word verification was "ausum". Lols!
Those are great! Thanks for all the comments!
Ha, ha, ha!
Love it! :D
I have many fails a day.
LOL *laughs almost uncontrolably*
We all have our days.
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