Friday, March 12, 2010


Hey, everybody! I'm posting this from Sanibel FL from my iPod! Pretty
beast, huh? ;) the airplane ride had a ton of turbulence, so it was
like Valley Fair rather than a method of transportation XD I hope that
you're all having a fun time...doing regular stuff! ;) at least it's
almost the weekend, right?

Peace out. B)


Alex Monseth said...

Yep, the ipod is awesome.

Eldarwen said...

Haha, the plane ride sounds like fun. (NOT!)

Unknown said...

As long as you don't get airsick, turbulent plane rides can be fun :D *laughs* That darn wind blowing when you're trying to take a smooth plane trip.

David Pederson said...

Haha, our plane rides had one smooth one and one filled with turbelance.