I am thankful for : Freedom
Freedom is something denied in a lot of countries today. Many East Asian and African countries have either oppression from the wealthy and powerful, or they are countries where Christians are persecuted. That is an example of a captive country. Not captive physically, but captive spiritually, and mentally. This is the blessing of America. People may disagree on, if or not, there is too much freedom in America, but there is simple freedom. Such an attraction and "promise" of freedom drove many people to immigrate here in history past. That is also our ancestry. Therefore, freedom is the one thing we all have in common. Whether we disagree on men's opinions, freedom is black and white. Then, freedom is the feeling all of us know. Now, how people use that freedom, that's another matter. As a Christian, I can live a free life for God. Others may live a free life for themselves. Only, at the end of time, we are but dust. God never wears down, he always exists. Many people say that they don't want to live for God because they would have to live a "confined" life, a life with set and strict rules that can never be broken. I heartily disagree. John 8:36 says "So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed". That is the core of Christianity. You are free! when you are in Christ. When you are in Christ, you are everlasting. I am thankful for Freedom because freedom is the spirit of America...and of God...
And that is an encouraging thought! :)
Matthew 5:12 "Therefore, rejoice! and be glad, because great is your reward in Heaven.'
And, if any of you read all that, xD, then you are Awarded with the Jesus Freak Award!

“Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.”
“Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to”
tagged you
very well put.
my blog address has changed.
apparently it's been causing some other people to have problems with finding my blog and getting blog updates. So sorry about that.
Great thing to be thankful for! :)
Yes, Freedom is def. Something to be thankful for :)
Thanks for Mentioning me :)
Keep it up :)
Seek Him First,
Matthew 6:33
Yep, it is!
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