Hey, everybody! Two Friday's ago, I saw the movie Eagle Eye! It was awesome! I thought I would review it!
Positive Content
"Would you risk your life for your son?" this new "employer" asks Rachel via cell phone. Rachel answers yes, and she proves it time and time again. Turns out, she's willing to do plenty else to protect her boy who is currently having the time of his life on a field trip to Washington, D.C.
This, obviously, is not all good, considering the lying, stealing and terrorism involved. Rachel puts hundreds of people in danger for her singular goal. But a mother's love doesn't always weigh the cost. Still, we see at one juncture that even she has her limits: When the caller tells her to shoot and kill someone, she finds she simply can't do it.
Lots of folks show a willingness to sacrifice themselves for a whole host of laudable reasons. An FBI agent takes down an evil unmanned drone at the cost of his own life. And Jerry, once he wriggles free of the conspiracy, saves a great many people by thwarting the horrifying plan--though security guards gun him down in the process.
Violent Content
Eagle Eye is front to back action, filled with car chases, shootouts, fistfights and explosions. Aside from a brief flash of a a charred thumb and a blood-soaked shirt, though, little of it is particularly gory.
No fewer than seven police cars are smashed during Jerry's initial escape from the FBI. They smash into other cars, thud into scrap metal piles and are thrown around by gigantic metal claws. Chases are filmed using a jarring, jerky style, which makes the frequent smashups fell more painful. One character gets severely hurt during one of these chases. (This is when we see that blood-soaked shirt.) Jerry and Rachel's car is swept up by a wrecking yard claw--Jerry and Rachel still inside. The pair jumps out of the car and onto a garbage barge just before the claw releases their vehicle into the ocean below.
A suspected Islamic terrorist--and scores of other Muslims--are presumably killed in a fiery missle strike. A military drone fires several missiles at Jerry and an FBI agent before the drone is destroyed in a blistering crash. Explosions rock the Pentagon. The government tests a new bomb-like weapon which unleashes a huge blast.
Jerry and Rachel threaten security guards with shotguns, and Rachel fires into a nearby window. Jerry fires a gun into the air. A major character is blown up in a crash. A minor character is electrocuted and killed by falling power lines. Jerry gets into violent tussles and someone points a gun to his head. Jerry almost gets hit by a train, jumps out of another and tumbles from an upper-story window.
Sexual Content
Some crude play on words and Rachel is shown from shoulders up when changing clothes in a retail store.
Language Content
One PG-13 profanity and around 25 PG profanities.
Discussion Topics: Military intelligence, artificial intelligence, eavesdropping, treason, the Declaration of Independence, terrorism, extreme coercion, desertion, strained family relationships, national security, sacrifice, liberty, enemy of the state, twins, Hezbollah.
Bottom line: Technology can be a powerful tool, but must be checked and controlled.
I, personally, really liked this movie! It was very intriguing and edge-of-your-seat. Jerry was played by Shia LeBeouf. He is a great actor.
Eagle Eye (2008) MPAA Rating (PG-13)

“Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.”
“Faith isn't faith until it's all you're holding on to”
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